
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

2 Transformative Steps to Boost Your Confidence and Authenticity in Writing

Have you ever read some of your old work? I did it this week and cringed a little bit. It’s always fun to look back at what we were doing years ago.... read more


4 Powerful Stoic Principles That Transformed My Leadership Style

I stumbled onto stoicism when I needed it the most in my life. I went through a tough personal challenge. And I was unsure of how Id get through it.... read more


8 Powerful Strategies Every Leader Needs to Foster Psychological Safety in the Workplace

I introduced psychological safety to a group of leaders recently. Only one person from a group of 10 knew what it was. That made me take a step back.... read more


Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: How Leaders Can Balance Empathy and Self-Care

Empathy can burn out leaders. If you’re not careful, compassion fatigue sets in. Great leadership is more than spreadsheets and meetings. - Its... read more


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