
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Uncover Your Leadership Potential: How Unexpected Challenges Spark Growth and Mastery

I don’t expect people to remember everything I write online. I don’t expect them to become a better manager that way. Leadership training is funny.... read more


3 Crucial Reasons Great Leaders Embrace Their Weaknesses to Foster Stronger Teams

Leaders aren’t great at everything. People expect you to: - Be a salesperson who can close - Be able see and predict market changes - Be a... read more


4 Proven Tips to Transform Feedback into Fuel for Stellar Leadership

I still get defensive when I get feedback. Its a natural reaction. - Like a punch in the gut - Feeling my face turning red - And the want to defend... read more


5 Powerful Reasons Leaders Shy Away from Feedback: Overcome Your Fear and Elevate Your Leadership Game

Feedback is hard. Teams ask for it and leaders avoid it. When we shift our mindset and understand the responsibilities, it can become easier. See the... read more


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Dive deep with actionable advice on Feedback, Leaderhship Styles, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and more.

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