
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

How Leading a Retreat Can Transform Your Team: Understanding, Bonding, and Achieving Greater Effectiveness

Yesterday I led a department retreat for a team at Chapman University. It was an amazing reminder of why I do what I do. I love leading teams. When I... read more


How Patience and Persistence in Leadership Reaps Long-Term Rewards: A Personal Account

If you’re looking for instant gratification as a leader This might not be the role for you. I worked for many years managing marketing professionals.... read more


Mastering the Art of Intentionality: How Leaders Can Control Change and Achieve Their Goals

There’s no such thing as stagnation. You’re either moving forward. Or moving back. We have goals we want to hit. – Buy a new house – Make more money... read more


Shattering the Feedback Sandwich Myth: How Leaders Can Deliver Constructive Criticism Effectively and Compassionately

I get this question a lot from leaders. “Is the feedback sandwich effective?” I had so much fun joining Jay Sharma on his podcast recently. We... read more


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